Social Media Management Team


social media adviser Sussex Patience and knowledge is what is needed from Harsha Desai to  help you understand how social media can help enhance and grow  your business.   The two elements go hand in hand when we carry out our group or  1-2-1 training.

  Social media can be a daunting experience for many but Harsha  will make sure that this soon disappears and get you on the road to  success with you social media platforms.
 On top of training with Harsha, she can also carry out monthly  management if social media is just not fitting into your daily  schedule. Whatever your question Harsha will be able to help solve  it!
Social Media Training Chichester
We believe in providing the best possible service for you.

Alex Kramp joined the team to share and enhance the social media business with his knowledge of desktop/laptop computers and handheld devices. This addition helps us give the best possible service to any client that needs this advice on top of social media training.

We know that if your devices are in good working order for you then everything else can operate with ease.
For more information about this service please go to our contact form and tell us what you might need.
Contact us about social media training or Apple device management and we will help work it to your budget.